Operational services
Comprehensive support in testing, digitization & application development: Project outsourcing - peak coverage - outtasking - PoCs - operational coaching
The innovation and quality improvement of your products and in your projects is our mission. Thereby, highly qualified employees, proven accelerators, flexible delivery models and effective processes are the key success factors.
Especially nowadays, the mastery of the current software and digitization technologies, industry knowledge, methods and tools as well as an understanding of the problems in development are essential in order to maintain sustainable quality improvement and high-quality, low-error systems and software products.
Together with our strategic partner Nagarro, we make optimal use of our synergies and massively expand our strengths. As a customer, you benefit from a comprehensive, high-quality and innovative full-service portfolio of operational services with flexible delivery models in application development, implementation of digitization technologies and standard software, as well as QA & test services, test automation, DevTestOps and services related to agile transformation.
The consultants from Software Quality Lab and the experts from Nagarro are highly trained specialists with extensive project experience and technical know-how and can use methods and new technologies efficiently.
The services of Software Quality Lab together witch Nagarro in this area include:
Your benefits
- Quality improvement and gaining know-how
Practical relevance thanks to project experience from many customer projects. Comprehensive knowledge of different software and digitization technologies & tools. Industries and application areas, standard software and much more.
- Reliability and personnel flexibility
Dynamic team sizes, no staff shortage, failure times can be easily compensated.
- Covering special tpoics
Experts for special topics are available, e.g. mobile, security, usability, embedded, load testing, etc.
- Cost advantages and cost control
Better orientation of costs to requirements, lower costs through higher productivity and more cost transparency.
- Local flexibility
Flexible and demand-oriented division of on-site service and remote work in the offices of Software Quality Lab and Nagarro - be it in Austria, Germany, Nordics, EU nearshore or offshore.
- Professionalism and state-of-the-art
Many proven processes are available. Use of the latest techniques and methods such as model-based approach, behavioral testing, innovative testframeworks, agile requirments, and many more.
"Ich bin sehr erfreut, dass die Automatisierung der Testabläufe von Beginn an so gut voranschreitet. Aus meiner Sicht sind die schon nach kurzer Zeit erzielten Ergebnisse wirklich gut und die Zusammenarbeit ist optimal. Ich möchte mich nochmals bei den Test Consultants von Software Quality Lab für Ihre Energie und Ihren Einsatz in diesem Projekt bedanken."
Projektleiter, Siemens AG Österreich
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