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Programming & code quality

Secure the technical and economic survival of your software system!

The most efficient bug fixing is the one you do not have to do. The higher the quality consciousness and the competence of the developer, the higher the quality of the supplied source code. Practices such as "clean code" and static analysis allow to write virtually error-free code and even with less effort.

Contact now for a low-priced introductory code review



Our consultants roll up their sleeves and work with your developers on the quality of the source code:

  • Initial analysis to determine the current code quality of your software
  • Design and implementation of a static code analysis and metric system
  • Operative coaching of developers and regular impulse workshops
  • Definition and institutionalisation of coding guidelines and appropriate tools for static analysis and metrics
  • Implementation of methods for improving the source code (e.g., refactoring, patterns)
  • Code reviews by experts for frequent review of code quality
  • Structure coding process and modernising and establishing developer tests (e.g., TDD, unit tests)
  • Design and implementation of Continuous Integration (CI) and build systems
  • Individual hands-on workshops and coaching for developers

Your benefits

  • Profitability
    Higher profitability of software development thanks to good source code
  • Risk reduction
    Identification of risk points in the code before quality problems occur, reducing personal liability in the event of damage
  • Quality improvement
    Uniformity and legibility of code across people / team boundaries, more code quality means fewer errors and better maintainability, detection of important changes through trend analysis.
  • Process
    Experience of good programmers in the development process, compliance requirements and safety-life-cycle requirements

    „Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. 
    Good programmers write code that humans can understand.“

    Martin Fowler

    Research and analysis

    Are you facing unresolved issues in this area?
    Do you have too little workforce or time to analyze and resolve an urgent topic?

    Software Quality Lab helps you with research and analysis in this topic.

    More information about research and analysis

    Contact us!

    Johannes Bergsmann


    Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter

    Ansprechpartner für Kundenanfragen und Partnerschaften
     +43 676 840072 420

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